Analytics Monthly Feature Spotlight: March 2024

Eureka Blog
1. AI Powered Keyword HelperSupercharge Your SearchThanks to our smart keyword tool accessing relevant keywords is easier than ever! Powered by our cutting-edge LLM that has been trained on patent and literature data, this upgrade provides access to over 1 million keywords at your disposal. Effortlessly choose between CN or EN suggestions and select recommendation types like synonyms, hypernyms and/or similar keywords.  2. Patsnap AI Summaries  Unleash the Power of AI driven Patent SummariesWe’ve integrated our powerful LLM technology to provide users with the most comprehensive and accurate patent summaries yet. Dive into any patent from China, US or even Europe and unlock automatic summaries spanning the last decade.
3.  Comment Logic Change  Easily track comments across all workspacesWith three levels of visibility—Company, Workspace, and Private comments—and a new comment management page, you can now effortlessly manage and customize comment visibility settings, streamlining collaboration across teams.Please Note: The visibility of comments made by a workspace owner will now be set to private. To restore visibility for your collaborators use the new management page in the Workspace landing page to bulk change the visibility to a workspace-level comment.
4.  Machine Translated Assignee Names 
Analytics now offers machine translated assignee names for the following search fields: (ANS) or (ANCS). Translated names can be used to search, display in workspaces, export, and used in custom analysis!
5. Patent Tagging Across Family 

 Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all tagging! With our latest update, you’ll have full control over family tagging. Choose to toggle Family Custom field tagging ON or OFF when viewing records in application or family grouping. Please note that the default setting is ON.