Accelerate From Idea

To Impact

Patsnap Eureka harnesses the most comprehensive collection of innovation data to ignite and accelerate the innovation process resulting in rapid breakthroughs and advancements

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See How Power It Is Eureka With AI

We Innovate Solutions For R&D Challenges


R&D Assessment Challenges


Lack of Technical Ideas


Inefficient Risk Analysis

Eureka Helps You Achieve Research Excellence

Explore Advanced Knowledge

ProblemResearch and development lack inspiration, and limited technical knowledge

Solution:Explore new technical knowledge, R&D possibilities, and technical information are within reach and available in one place.

Generate Viable Solutions

ProblemTechnical breakthroughs are difficult, and solutions are lacking?

SolutionAdvanced R&D methodologies seamlessly apply TRIZ first principles to quickly generate innovative solutions.

Proactive Risk Management

ProblemUncontrollable risks, traditional risk analysis is time-consuming.

SolutionComplete FMEA analysis in minutes, uses AI to deconstruct systems and subsystems, identifying risks quickly.

Why Choose Eureka

Deeper Problem Analysis

Our deep application of innovative methodology, integrating TRIZ and first-principle innovation theories, empowers a thorough analysis of complex problems.

More Specific Technical Ideas

Deliver Clear, Verified Answers and R&D ideas based on Multiple Data Sources with Our AI Processing Technology.

More Accurate Technical Information

Effortlessly integrate multiple data sources to deliver clear, actionable insights. Our intelligent processing technology provides substantiated answers, making complex data simple and intuitive.