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How To Get Technology Information With TechSeek?

Step 1 - Enter TechSeek

On the homepage, find the input box, and enter your technical questions to receive relevant answers.

Example input: What are the recent development trends in solvent-free polyurethane adhesives?

Step 2 - Obtain Professional and Data-Driven Answers

Technical answers are structured and come with corresponding patents and academic support. Click for detailed references.

You can quickly grasp core insights and understand complex issues, guiding you to effective research.

Step 3 - View Application Examples​ & View Technical Challenges​

Scroll down to ”Application case” to understand how the technology is used in various products, its effectiveness, and applicable scenarios.

Scroll down to “Technical Challenges” to explore the challenges related to your question.

Step 4 - Continue Inquiries for Deeper Exploration​ & Segment and Instantly Inquire​

Select segments of the content you’re interested in to immediately ask follow-up questions.

Select segments of the content you‘re interested in to immediately ask follow-up questions.

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