In this months round of exciting Eureka updates, we’ve brought optimisations to:
- Revamped HomePage
- Technical Research
- Company Profile
- Monitoring
- LLM Integration
Starting of 2024 with a sleek new look for the Eureka homepage, created with a optimised design so you can easily access the variety of Eureka’s powerful tools.

Technical Research Project Improvements
We’re further enhancing the way you complete pre-research for your current technical projects. In addition to further optimising the algorithm used, you can show select which jurisdictions and patent type the insights are drawn from.

We’ve brought in additional datasets to provide you with vital business level insights in Eureka. Uncover a companies most recent R&D activities via automatically summarised actionable insights by our own LLM. We’ve also introduced relationship maps, so you can uncover who the big players in your space are collaborating with.

We’ve even gone even further and given our monitoring functionality an upgrade. Our LLM analyses and summarises your companies of interest most recent inventions and research projects, in addition to the introduction of graphical analysis to provide even more insight.

Further Patsnap LLM Integration
Across the platform we have further integrated our in-house developed Large Language Model, trained specifically on interpreting patent data. More of Eureka’s tools such as the Invention Disclosure Assistant, Technical Q&A Search and PatentDNA going forward will be solely leveraging our LLM rather than an Open AI integration