[0012]In one embodiment of the invention, an active non-lethal infrasound system for denying all species of birds access to airstrips and runways (12) that include a plurality of in-phase infrasound generators (21) that radiate a plurality of constructive interference patterns of infrasonic waves to create an infrasound active zone (2), which is bird-free and within the airspace portion of the airstrips and runways (12); and a plurality of out-of-phase infrasound generators (31, 32, 41 and 42) that radiate a plurality of destructive interference patterns of infrasonic waves to create one or more infrasound-free dead zones (3 and 4), which are outside the domain of the airstrips and runways and which provide a refuge for birds being repelled from the infrasound active zone (2). The constructive interference patterns of infrasonic waves are intended to “jam” the birds' acoustic navigational system and could mimic natural weather conditions, both of which would repel birds from the infrasound active zone (2).
[0013]In another embodiment of the invention, the active non-lethal infrasound system for denying birds access to airstrips and runways (12) include a plurality of in-phase infrasound generators (21) that radiate a plurality of constructive interference patterns of infrasonic waves to create an infrasound active zone (2) that is bird-free; and a plurality of out-of-phase infrasound generators (31, 32, 41 and 42) that radiate a plurality of destructive interference patterns of infrasonic waves to create one or more infrasound-free dead zones (3 and 4), which are outside the domain of the airstrips and runways and which provide a refuge for birds being repelled from the infrasound active zone (2).
[0014]In yet another embodiment of the invention, the active non-lethal infrasound system may also include a plurality of in-phase infrasound generators (21) that radiate a plurality of continuous and intermittent infrasound signals to create an infrasound active zone (2), which is bird-free and within the airspace portion of the airfield and a plurality of quieting infrasound generators (51) that radiate a plurality of signals that cancel the plurality of continuous and intermittent infrasound signals radiating at the perimeter of the infrasound active zone (2) to create an infrasound cancellation barrier (5) for controlling the spread of infrasound signals outside the perimeters of the infrasound active zone (2). The active non-lethal infrasound system may further comprise a plurality of out-of-phase infrasound generators (31, 32, 41 and 42) that radiate a plurality of destructive interference patterns of infrasonic waves to create at least two or more infrasound-free dead zones (3 and 4) that are outside the domain of the airstrips and runways, located at opposite sides of the infrasound active zone (2) and extended to cover large spaces.
[0015]In yet a further embodiment of the invention, the active non-lethal infrasound system, as described above, may also include a barren exclusion zone (6) that is created around the infrasound cancellation barrier (5) and surround the infrasound active zone (2). The exclusion zone (6) is deprived of any avian life-sustenance amenities and constitutes a no-fly bird zone and is not connected to the at least two or more infrasound-free dead zones (3 and 4) and may include a plurality of quieting infrasound generators (51) that radiate a plurality of signals for cancelling the plurality of continuous and intermittent infrasound signals radiating at the perimeter of the infrasound active zone (2).
[0016]The infrasound active zone (2) may be expanded to encompass all areas in the airport including critical areas around aircraft and other high value systems. In addition, one of the extended infrasound-free dead zones (3 or 4) may constitute a bird sanctuary (7) that is furnished with feed, water, grass, seedlings and bushes to provide a refuge for birds being denied access to the infrasound active zone (2) and may have a plurality of infrasound generators (71) installed therein for mimicking the mating calls of a plurality of birds species of interest.
[0017]The invention also provides an alternative non-lethal infrasound system applicable and suitable for smaller commercial airports and for airports where infrequent flights occur and no radar is available. Such an alternative infrasound system includes a plurality of pulsating infrasound generators that comprise a row of small acoustic elements (81-86) that are pulsed one by one in a sequence along a row to create a pattern of constructive interference signals that collimate in a beam at a set angle thereby creating a plurality of infrasound active zones (2), leaving a plurality of infrasound-free dead zones (9) in its wake, safe and comfortable for birds to seek a refuge; and a plurality of avian infrasound generators (21) broadcasting a plurality of continuous and intermittent infrasound signals that deter birds from approaching the plurality of infrasound active zones (2) that are bird-free. The alternative system may also further include a plurality of infrasound detectors (101) capable of detecting the presence of birds within the proximity of the airstrips and runways and working in concert with a plurality of radars (102).