An upper and lower garment disc-like dual connector and suspension device wherein the tucked-in upper garment, such as a shirt or blouse, is draped over and around and captured and held in the disc-like
peripheral groove with a
retainer device, leaving one disc surface area exposed to the outside of the upper garment for affixing any one of a myriad of fasteners, such as, Velcro, clips, buttons, snaps, hangers, etc., that attaches the upper garment to the lower garment such as pants, trousers, skirts, shorts, etc., behind and below the waistband, so that the upper garment becomes the suspenders of the lower garment. This easy-on, easy-off, transferrable, tucked-in apparel positive connection and suspension concept provides; suspension support of the lower garment, a neat tucked-in appearance at all times, is comfortable to wear, and is not visible from view while maintaining the lower garment in the desired position around the