A Diastasis Recti Splinting Garment is described which includes a plurality of attached
torso straps and pelvic straps which the user wraps around their body and connects to the garment so as to approximate the 2 sides of the
abdominal wall, providing support to the linea alba and fascial sheathes to allow for
tissue healing. Furthermore, the adjustable angled straps encircle the
torso and
pelvis of the user to restore the integrity of the core, providing stability to the ribcage, spine and
pelvis. Restoring the integrity of the core lends itself to optimal activation of the deep core stabilizers, including the
abdominal muscles as well as the musculature of the
pelvic floor, back, and diaphragm. This in turn aids in dynamic stability of the spine, ribcage and
pelvis. This allows maximum support of the diastasis recti, consequently facilitating
tissue healing through balancing intra-
abdominal pressure, while still supplying support to the vulnerable
pelvic floor and stability to the spine, ribcage and sacroiliac joints.