Microvascular complications of
diabetes mellitus are closely related to blood glucose levels and fluctuations. The Glycostator statistical
package was created to allow patients and health care providers simple access to “
glycemic indicators” which permit a “snapshot view” of the effectiveness of the patient's
diabetes management program. Glycostator functions provide a simple way of enhancing the information already provided by home
blood glucose monitoring devices. To this end, a set of new indices, including one called the Virtual A1c, are computed in a recursive fashion from blood
glucose test results to provide a more meaningful day-to-day assessment of
glycemic control. All indices can be made available at the meter
user interface on request. The displayed indices allow patients to improve
glycemic control by
identifying problems with blood
glucose control and lability that are less easily recognized in traditional blood
glucose meter statistical packages. Virtual A1c emulates
hemoglobin A1c continuously and provides better day-to-day assessment of long term glycemic control than does the traditional average blood glucose report. The method for computing each of these indices, including the Virtual A1c, allows for their implementation in commercial
blood glucose monitors.