The invention involves an array of playing-cards playable by three or more persons, which delightfully spontaneous if unpredictable word, term,
phrase, or picture comparison combinations, invites stimulating social-intercourse. Of the two essential sets of cards furnished with the basic OuickPik(TM)-game iteration, an exemplified first set of Apple-cards each bear different pictures or terms generally derived from: "people, events, nature, places, things, etc."; while a set of Orange-cards each may bear a picture or descriptive wording such as the terms-"bumpy, slow, magnificent". Thus, Apple-cards are randomly issued for comparison as to which best typifies the Orange-card over the others,-hence comparing-"apples and oranges"; and a "quick-pick" feature takes the slowest player briefly out of contention,-thereby compelling an exciting rapid-pace. An enhanced 2nd / iteration referred to as MindReader(TM)-game, employs interspersed surprise Mindreader-cards, whereby a player acting as Judge for a round of play selects several Apple-cards for a provisional Picker and Mindreader to compare to the inscription revealed upon a randomly turned-up Orange-card. If the Picker and Mindreader players of that round select the same Apple-card, they each collect bonus Orange-cards, Judge does not;-or instead, the Judge may "stump" those two players and collect the bonus Orange-cards for themself! A more elaborate 3rd / iteration, Jumbo-A&O(TM), includes a gameboard, and a die thrown to determine spatial advances of player pieces along a spiral pathway of special function-squares convergent toward a winner's-circle goal.