A visual
data integration system architecture and methodology is disclosed. The
system architecture includes a transport framework that represents a technology-independent integration mechanism that facilitates the exchange of technology-dependent data between disparate applications. A
visual interface facilitates the design, deployment, and runtime monitoring of an
integrated information system implementation. An
integrated information system is developed visually through use of the
visual interface by dragging and dropping components within a canvas area of the interface. The components are graphical representations of various
telecommunications hardware and
software elements, such as information stores, processors, input / output devices and the like. Various components may be packaged together as business extension modules that provide specific
business integration capabilities. Interconnections between components are graphically established using a mouse to define sources and destinations of specified data. An underlying configuration / runtime information framework operating above and in concert with the transport framework effectively transforms the graphical interconnections into logical or physical interconnections, which results in the contemporaneous generation of an integrated
runtime system. Format neutral data meta-models are employed to model the input and output data requirements of disparate systems and
system components so as to remove any cross-dependencies that exist between the systems and technologies implicated in a
data integration project. The
visual interface enables runtime control and analysis of the business information and system aspects of an integrated system implementation. Visual views onto the live deployment provide consistent management and control for system integrators, business integrators, system managers, and business managers using a single visual interface.