An improved pulse oximeter provides for simultaneous, noninvasive
oxygen status and photoplethysmograph measurements at both single and multiple sites. In particular, this multiple-site, multiple-parameter pulse oximeter, or “stereo pulse oximeter” simultaneously measures both arterial and venous
oxygen saturation at any specific site and generates a corresponding
plethysmograph waveform. A corresponding computation of arterial minus venous
oxygen saturation is particularly advantageous for
oxygen therapy management. An active pulse-inducing mechanism having a scattering-limited drive generates a consistent pulsatile venous
signal utilized for the
venous blood measurements. The stereo pulse oximeter also measures
arterial oxygen saturation and
plethysmograph shape parameters across multiple sites. A corresponding calculation of
delta arterial saturation and comparison of
plethysmograph shape parameters between multiple sites is particularly advantageous for the detection and management of
persistent pulmonary hypertension in neonates (PPHN), a patent ductus arteriosis (PDA), and aortic coarctation.