The inventive offering creation and validation (OCAV) component identifies all available resource types contained in a resource catalog, invokes a “get timetable” resource management action for each of those resource types, and finally receives a timetable containing all resource types with their assigned resources and their assigned free, reserved, and used time slots. By using that timetable, the OCAV component generates a new timetable including all resource types with their assigned resources having a common free time slots. Then, the OCAV component invokes a “get cost” resource management action for each resource type in that new timetable and assigns the calculated costs to the respective resource types, resulting in a final timetable. In further step, the OCAV component maps the free resource included in that final timetable to predefined service environments described in the resource catalog, and if the mapping has been successful, creates a list including all predefined service environments including their free time slots and costs. Finally, the OCAV component generates an offering for each of those SEs, assigns a price to each offering which is preferably calculated by certain business rules, and publishes it, preferably in a registry.