A method of inter-area
rekeying of
encryption keys in secure mobile muiticast communications, in which
a Domain Group Controller Key Server (Domain GCKS) distributes Traffic
Encryption Keys (TEK) to a plurality of
local Group Controller Key Servers (local GCKS), and said
local Group Controller Key Servers forward said Traffic
Encryption Keys, encrypted using Key
Encryption Keys (KEKi, KEKj) that are specific to the respective
local Group Controller
Key Server (local GCKSi, GCKSj), to group members, said local
Group Controller Key Servers (GCKSi, GCKSj) constituting Extra Key Owner Lists (EKOLi, EKOLj) for
group key management areas (areai, areaj) that distinguish group members (MMi, MMj) possessing Key Encryption Keys (KEKi, KEKj) and situated in the corresponding
group key management area (areai, areaj) from group members (MMij) possessing Key Encryption Keys (KEKi) that were situated in the corresponding
group key management area (areai) but are visiting another area (areaj).