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93 results about "Proxy cache" patented technology

Proxy cache, also called a Web proxy cache, is a function of a proxy server that caches retrieved Web pages on the server's hard disk so that the page can be quickly retrieved by the same or a different user the next time that page is requested. How Proxy Cache Works.

End-to-End Content Delivery Network Incorporating Independently Operated Transparent Caches and Proxy Caches

ActiveUS20130046883A1Accurately and comprehensively track and report metricImproves content deliveryDigital data information retrievalDigital computer detailsServer logCache server
Some embodiments provide an end-to-end federated CDN solution that assimilates a transparent caching server that is operated by a transparent caching server operator into a CDN that independently operates CDN caching servers. Specifically, the logs from the transparent caching server are assimilated into the CDN by aggregating the logs from the transparent caching server and processing the transparent caching server logs to identify network usage for content of a CDN content provider customer that is delivered by the transparent caching server. The network usage is then combined with the network usage that tracked by the CDN caching servers in order to provide comprehensive report metrics for the content provider customer and to bill the content provider customer for all network usage related to delivering the content provider customer's content irrespective of whether the content was delivered by a transparent caching server or a CDN caching server.

System and method for partitioning address space in a proxy cache server cluster

A proxy partition cache (PPC) architecture and a technique for address-partitioning a proxy cache consisting of a grouping of discrete, cooperating caches (servers) is provided. Client requests for objects (files) of a given size are redirected or reassigned to a single cache in the grouping, notwithstanding the cache to which the request is made by the load-balancing mechanism (such as a Layer 4 switch) based upon load-balancing considerations. The file is then returned to the switch via the switch-designated cache for vending to the requesting client. The redirection / reassignment occurs according to a function within the cache to which the request is directed so that the switch remains freed from additional tasks that can compromise speed.

Systems and methods of revalidating cached objects in parallel with request for object

The present solution provides a variety of techniques for accelerating and optimizing network traffic, such as HTTP based network traffic. The solution described herein provides techniques in the areas of proxy caching, protocol acceleration, domain name resolution acceleration as well as compression improvements. In some cases, the present solution provides various prefetching and / or prefreshening techniques to improve intermediary or proxy caching, such as HTTP proxy caching. In other cases, the present solution provides techniques for accelerating a protocol by improving the efficiency of obtaining and servicing data from an originating server to server to clients. In another cases, the present solution accelerates domain name resolution more quickly. As every HTTP access starts with a URL that includes a hostname that must be resolved via domain name resolution into an IP address, the present solution helps accelerate HTTP access. In some cases, the present solution improves compression techniques by prefetching non-cacheable and cacheable content to use for compressing network traffic, such as HTTP. The acceleration and optimization techniques described herein may be deployed on the client as a client agent or as part of a browser, as well as on any type and form of intermediary device, such as an appliance, proxying device or any type of interception caching and / or proxying device.

Distributed File System Consistency Mechanism Extension for Enabling Internet Video Broadcasting

The consistency callback mechanisms employed by local file systems such as NTFS and distributed file systems such as DDS, NFS and CIFS are extended to provide a shared memory foundation for efficiently broadcasting real-time high definition video from a source object to large numbers of viewers via the Internet. Distributed applications such as video viewing client applications establish connections to a common distributed file system object, and then each application registers with the underlying distributed file system to receive notifications whenever the video source modifies the source object. The data required to update images maintained by viewing clients is included in notification messages. The distributed file system employs a network of proxy cache nodes. Proxy cache nodes receive notification messages (complete with image update data) and update their cached images of the source object and then retransmit the notification messages towards the viewing clients using IP multicast techniques. In this manner, the distributed file system's consistency mechanism efficiently employs network resources to enable the real-time distribution of video content streams.

Offline automated proxy cache for web applications

Embodiments of the present invention provide techniques for managing content updates for web-based applications. In one set of embodiments, a configurable proxy cache is provided that executes rule-based content updates of web content on the behalf of an application (e.g., web browser) while the application is not running. This allows for better management of intermittent connection quality, memory / power savings for mobile devices, and caching of information that can be shared with the application and other network-aware applications / services. In various embodiments, the proxy cache is controlled by the application via standard web language constructs such as HTTP headers, thereby enabling interoperability with web-based applications that implement common asynchronous data-loading technologies.

Methods and systems for delivering content to differentiated client devices

Methods and systems are disclosed for delivery of tailored content to differentiated devices, such as desktop, mobile, and tablet devices, over a computer network. In one embodiment, a proxy cache server has a content cache for storing previously retrieved objects like web pages or multimedia files. For at least some objects, several versions are stored, each version representing an object suited for a given set of client device characteristics. A device-equivalency data structure maintained at the proxy facilitates a determination of whether such cached versions can be used to service a current request. The versions might represent, for example, modified versions created using, e.g., mobile device transcoding techniques, in response to prior requests. They may also represent a set of alternate content created by a content provider and available from an origin server. Such methods and systems may be implemented in a distributed computing networks, e.g., a content delivery network.

Method and system for smart object eviction for proxy cache

A method for managing a local cache. The method includes receiving an object from a back end server at a local cache for access by one or more users at a local site. The method includes attaching an eviction policy parameter value to the object. The method includes storing the object in the local cache. The method includes evaluating at the local cache the eviction policy parameter value. The method includes evicting the object from the local cache based on the eviction policy parameter.

Method and apparatus for forwarding requests in a cache hierarchy based on user-defined forwarding rules

A method and apparatus for forwarding requests in a cache hierarchy based on user-defined forwarding rules are described. A proxy cache on a network provides a user interface that enables a user to define a set of forwarding rules for controlling the forwarding of content requests within a cache hierarchy. When the proxy cache receives a content request from a client and the request produces a cache miss, the proxy cache examines the rules sequentially two determine whether any of the user-defined rules applies to the request. If a rule is found to apply, the proxy cache identifies one or more forwarding destinations from the rule and determines the availability of the destinations. The proxy cache then forwards the request to an available destination according to the applicable rule.

Systems and Methods of Revalidating Cached Objects in Parallel with Request for Object

The present solution provides a variety of techniques for accelerating and optimizing network traffic, such as HTTP based network traffic. The solution described herein provides techniques in the areas of proxy caching, protocol acceleration, domain name resolution acceleration as well as compression improvements. In some cases, the present solution provides various prefetching and / or prefreshening techniques to improve intermediary or proxy caching, such as HTTP proxy caching. In other cases, the present solution provides techniques for accelerating a protocol by improving the efficiency of obtaining and servicing data from an originating server to server to clients. In another cases, the present solution accelerates domain name resolution more quickly. As every HTTP access starts with a URL that includes a hostname that must be resolved via domain name resolution into an IP address, the present solution helps accelerate HTTP access. In some cases, the present solution improves compression techniques by prefetching non-cacheable and cacheable content to use for compressing network traffic, such as HTTP. The acceleration and optimization techniques described herein may be deployed on the client as a client agent or as part of a browser, as well as on any type and form of intermediary device, such as an appliance, proxying device or any type of interception caching and / or proxying device.

Systems and methods of freshening and prefreshening a DNS cache

The present solution provides a variety of techniques for accelerating and optimizing network traffic, such as HTTP based network traffic. The solution described herein provides techniques in the areas of proxy caching, protocol acceleration, domain name resolution acceleration as well as compression improvements. In some cases, the present solution provides various prefetching and / or prefreshening techniques to improve intermediary or proxy caching, such as HTTP proxy caching. In other cases, the present solution provides techniques for accelerating a protocol by improving the efficiency of obtaining and servicing data from an originating server to server to clients. In another cases, the present solution accelerates domain name resolution more quickly. As every HTTP access starts with a URL that includes a hostname that must be resolved via domain name resolution into an IP address, the present solution helps accelerate HTTP access. In some cases, the present solution improves compression techniques by prefetching non-cacheable and cacheable content to use for compressing network traffic, such as HTTP. The acceleration and optimization techniques described herein may be deployed on the client as a client agent or as part of a browser, as well as on any type and form of intermediary device, such as an appliance, proxying device or any type of interception caching and / or proxying device.

Proxy cache preloader

The present invention is directed to a proxy cache preloader. According to an embodiment of the present invention, a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client intermediary having a proxy cache is used to provide multiple client computing devices with access to Internet data in the cache. When a device needs access to Internet data (i.e., a web page), a preloader / refresh mechanism is employed which uses a preloader algorithm. In one embodiment, the preloader algorithm checks to see if the current request is for an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL). If not, the data is re-loaded into the proxy cache. If the current request is a request for HTTP, the preloader mechanism determines if optimization is enabled for the URL. If not, the data is re-loaded into the proxy cache. Otherwise, an information retrieval method (e.g., an HTTP GET) optimization algorithm is employed.

Method for prioritizing content

Methods and systems for prioritizing content are described. A request for a first content object is received at a caching proxy. A search of an access log of the proxy cache for a portion of the first content object is then performed. The size of the portion of the first content object on the proxy cache is calculated and the normally utilized size of the segment of the first content object is derived. A comparison is then made between the size of the portion of the first content object on the proxy cache and the normally utilized size of the first content object requested.

System and method to refresh proxy cache server objects

A method and computing systems for refreshing objects stored by a Proxy cache server from Web content servers. The refresh is requested by the Proxy cache server only if the expiration date attached to a stored object has expired. The refresh of one object is requested by the Proxy cache server to the Web content server upon a request from the browser of a client device. Additionally, the Proxy cache server can send a Refresh_request command to the Web content servers applying to a list of objects for which the expiration date has expired. The refreshed objects are not sent by the Web content server if the last modified date has changed but rather if, and only if, the object content, identified by a signature, has been changed. This method and system have the advantage of offloading the computing resources involved for data transfer through the network connecting the servers.

Systems and methods for providing dynamic ad hoc proxy-cache hierarchies

Systems and methods of storing previously transmitted data and using it to reduce bandwidth usage and accelerate future communications are described. By using algorithms to identify long compression history matches, a network device may improve compression efficiently and speed. A network device may also use application specific parsing to improve the length and number of compression history matches. Further, by sharing compression histories, compression history indexes and caches across multiple devices, devices can utilize data previously transmitted to other devices to compress network traffic. Any combination of the systems and methods may be used to efficiently find long matches to stored data, synchronize the storage of previously sent data, and share previously sent data among one or more other devices.

System and method for implementing click-through for browser executed software including ad proxy and proxy cookie caching

ActiveUS7475404B2Inability to overcomeExpanded advertisingDigital data information retrievalAdvertisementsThird partyIp address
An improved proxy is disclosed for allowing click-through on an ad URL delivered on a web page within a Java® applet executing on a client machine. The proxy caches cookie information for the browser, to support java applications that do not allow for planting of cookies directly. When the user clicks on the ad URL, the proxy retrieves the relevant cookie and link information from a host side database, and uses the same to help the browser open the correct URL associated with the ad. Additional controls are provided for the proxy including the ability to filter ads in an appropriate fashion for the applet, to cache ads from third party servers, to monitor applet behavior, to cache / pass on client IP address information, and to perform administrative tasks for the applet within the browser to enhance and facilitate ad delivery between advertisers and their intended audiences. The proxy thus acts to extend the reach and access of a conventional applet beyond the resources of a download host associated with such applet. In another embodiment, the applet controls a hidden frame within the browser, which hidden frame, unlike the applet frame, is able to download and plant a cookie from an ad server within the browser. When the user clicks on the ad URL, the browser uses the cooked from the hidden frame and passes it on to the Ad Server along with the URL, so that the user experiences a seamless and smooth transfer as would occur from a conventional HTML tag within the page.

Systems and methods of providing security and reliability to proxy caches

The present solution provides a variety of techniques for accelerating and optimizing network traffic, such as HTTP based network traffic. The solution described herein provides techniques in the areas of proxy caching, protocol acceleration, domain name resolution acceleration as well as compression improvements. In some cases, the present solution provides various prefetching and / or prefreshening techniques to improve intermediary or proxy caching, such as HTTP proxy caching. In other cases, the present solution provides techniques for accelerating a protocol by improving the efficiency of obtaining and servicing data from an originating server to server to clients. In another cases, the present solution accelerates domain name resolution more quickly. As every HTTP access starts with a URL that includes a hostname that must be resolved via domain name resolution into an IP address, the present solution helps accelerate HTTP access. In some cases, the present solution improves compression techniques by prefetching non-cacheable and cacheable content to use for compressing network traffic, such as HTTP. The acceleration and optimization techniques described herein may be deployed on the client as a client agent or as part of a browser, as well as on any type and form of intermediary device, such as an appliance, proxying device or any type of interception caching and / or proxying device.

System and method for filtering of web-based content stored on a proxy cache server

A system and method for filtering of web-based content in a proxy cache server environment provides a local network having a client, a directory server and a proxy cache server that caches predetermined Internet-derived web content within the network. When content is requested, it is vended to the client only if it meets predefined user policies for acceptability. These policies are implemented based upon one or more ratings lists provided by content rating vendors. The lists are downloaded to the network in whole or part, and cached for use in determining acceptability of content by a filter application. Ratings can be particularly based upon predetermined content categories. Caching occurs in a host or object cache for rapid access. Only if current ratings are not found in the host or object caches are ratings caches or vendors accessed for ratings. Ratings on requested content are then placed in the host or object cache for subsequent use. Object parsing or other techniques can be used to screen returned content that is unrated or otherwise allowed to pass to ensure that it is appropriate.

Systems and methods of dynamically checking freshness of cached objects based on link status

The present solution provides a variety of techniques for accelerating and optimizing network traffic, such as HTTP based network traffic. The solution described herein provides techniques in the areas of proxy caching, protocol acceleration, domain name resolution acceleration as well as compression improvements. In some cases, the present solution provides various prefetching and / or prefreshening techniques to improve intermediary or proxy caching, such as HTTP proxy caching. In other cases, the present solution provides techniques for accelerating a protocol by improving the efficiency of obtaining and servicing data from an originating server to server to clients. In another cases, the present solution accelerates domain name resolution more quickly. As every HTTP access starts with a URL that includes a hostname that must be resolved via domain name resolution into an IP address, the present solution helps accelerate HTTP access. In some cases, the present solution improves compression techniques by prefetching non-cacheable and cacheable content to use for compressing network traffic, such as HTTP. The acceleration and optimization techniques described herein may be deployed on the client as a client agent or as part of a browser, as well as on any type and form of intermediary device, such as an appliance, proxying device or any type of interception caching and / or proxying device.

Method, apparatus, proxy server, and system for selecting cache replacement policies

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, an apparatus, and a proxy server for selecting cache replacement policies to reduce manual participation and switch cache replacement policies automatically. The method includes: obtaining statistical data of multiple cache replacement policies that are running simultaneously; and switching, according to an event of policy decision for cache replacement policies and the statistical data, an active cache replacement policy to a cache replacement policy that complies with a policy decision requirement. The automatic switching of cache replacement policies lowers the technical requirements on administrators. In addition, in the operation process of a proxy cache, a cache replacement policy that is applicable to a current scenario and meets a performance expectation of a user can be selected automatically, so as to make the technical solution feature good adaptability. Compared with the existing solution in which only a cache replacement policy is used throughout, the technical solution of the present invention can improve the performance of the proxy cache.

VOD client terminal proxy caching server in digital family

InactiveCN101184209AKnow popularityAdjust queue priorityTwo-way working systemsTransmissionClient-sideProxy server
The purpose of the present invention is to overcome the deficiencies of the prior art, and propose a method for digital home VOD client buffer proxy server design. Through the replacement algorithm based on weighted popularity, an effective technical means and solution are proposed to solve the network congestion and broadcast quality degradation caused by on-demand storms. Compared with other methods of the same type, the present invention mainly lies in the design of the streaming media proxy caching strategy of the home VOD client proxy caching server, and proposes a streaming media proxy caching strategy based on weighted popularity. According to the level of the weighted popularity Pi of the present invention, we can know the current popularity of a certain streaming media more accurately, and can adjust the queuing priority of the streaming media in a more timely manner, which overcomes the problem of responding to explosive requests. The network congestion caused by sluggishness increases the hit rate of the response in the cached media and increases the total time required for the user to send a request to receive the response information.

Streaming media proxy cache replacing method and device

InactiveCN104822068AQuality improvementQuality concerns over cache hit ratio improvementSelective content distributionPrincipal component analysisDelayed time
The invention provides a streaming media proxy cache replacing method and device. The method comprises the steps that principal component attribute data are selected from attribute data influencing popularity of streaming media files by utilizing the principal component analysis method; the popularity predicted value of streaming media objects is confirmed according to the principal component attribute data and a multivariate linear regression method, and the streaming media objects include cached streaming media in a proxy server and streaming media to be replaced into the proxy server; the comprehensive value of the streaming media objects is confirmed according to video peak signal-to-noise ratio of the streaming media objects, delay time of the streaming media objects from an original server to the proxy server and the popularity predicted value; and cache replacement is performed according to the comprehensive value of the streaming media objects and cache space of the proxy server. Streaming media proxy cache server attribute data, streaming media file attribute data and social behavior attribute data are utilized, and different environments can be adapted by adjusting weight of a streaming media quality factor and a starting delay factor so that replacing performance can be enhanced.

Email server with proxy caching of message identifiers and related methods

An electronic (email server) includes a proxy that obtains mappings for UID's, a cache in which the mappings of new UID's and message ID's are cached, and a proxy operative for receiving at least one of a Get, Delete or Move request for a MsgID that has not been cached and mapping the MsgID and “n” number of other MsgID's around the MsgID that had not been cached.
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