The invention discloses a real-time dynamic generating method for features on a bird body model. The method comprises the specific steps that
UV mapping is carried out on a polygon model of a bird body, a vertex local coordinate
system is set up on each vertex, and direction vectors of
feather rods in the features located in the vertex local coordinate systems are set; a
particle system is generated, all particles are restrained on the faces of a polygon, repulsive force among the particles serves as the width of the features, after evolution is carried out to the static state, the positions of all the particles are the positions of folliculus pili, and the types of the features are determined randomly; after the bird model is animated and deformed, the vertex local coordinate systems are updated, the direction of the feature rods of the features at the moment of current frames is calculated, the positions of the folliculus pili serve as coordinate origins to set up a feature local coordinate
system, feature reference NURBS surface patches are set up according to the set width and the set length, the features are generated on the NUBRS surface patches, and the steps are repeated for all the frames in
animation. The method can achieve no-penetration covering among the features, and generate the dynamic features in real time.