The invention relates to an online configuration method of an automobile controller, comprising the following steps of: 1, assembling an automobile to a working position of online configuration equipment, electrifying the whole automobile; 2, scanning a vehicular bar code and storing the contents of the bar code by the online configuration equipment so as to obtain configuration information of each controller
system of the assembled automobile; 3, establishing communication with each controller by the online configuration equipment, entering a default diagnosis mode of the controllers; 4, entering an EOL (end of life) diagnosis mode of the controllers; verifying safety of each controller; 5, entering the next step if each controller passes the safety
verification, quitting from the communication with the controller by the online configuration equipment if each controller fails in the safety
verification, reporting errors; 6, performing a data writing operation step of the previous scanned information of configuring the bar code for the controller by the online configuration equipment when the safety
verification in step (5) succeeds: finishing the configuration process of the controller if the data are written successfully, providing an error prompt and performing the configuration process of a next controller if the data are written unsuccessfully; 7, storing configuration information of the controller written successfully in step (6); and 8, reading the configuration information of the controller after finishing configuration, comparing the configuration information of the controller with the written configuration information, checking whether the written configuration information is correct, if yes, finishing online configuration, and otherwise, promoting diagnosis communication and reporting the errors.