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4330 results about "Data operations" patented technology

Data Operations. The Data Operation Category focuses on where patient demographic data comes from, how it is used in a system, and the staff members who have access to enter, modify, archive, or delete patient demographic data.

Apparatus, system, and method for autonomic control of grid system resources

An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for autonomic management of data operations and performance resources on a grid computing system. An autonomic management apparatus includes a monitor module, a policy module, and a regulation module. The monitor module is configured to monitor the grid computing system for a trigger event. The policy module is configured to access one of a plurality of system policies. Each of the plurality of system policies corresponds to an operational control parameter of a system resource of the grid computing system. The regulation module is configured to autonomically regulate the system resource in response to a recognized trigger event according to one of the plurality of system policies. The trigger event may be a prediction trigger event, an initiation trigger event, a regulation trigger event, or a termination trigger event.

Advanced voice and data operations in a mobile data communication device

A system and method for integrating voice and data operations into a single mobile device capable of simultaneously performing data and voice actions. The mobile device working in a network capable of exchanging both cell phone calls and data items to the mobile device. By wearing an earphone or an ear-bud device the user is capable of dealing with voice conversations while working with data centric information related to the current caller. By providing a data-centric device with voice capabilities there is a new range of features that allow incoming data events to trigger outgoing voice events.

Locking technique for control and synchronization

Described are techniques used in a computer system for handling data operations to storage devices. A switching fabric includes one or more fast paths for handling lightweight, common data operations and at least one control path for handling other data operations. A control path manages one or more fast paths. The fast path and the control path are utilized in mapping virtual to physical addresses using mapping tables. The mapping tables include an extent table of one or more entries corresponding to varying address ranges. The size of an extent may be changed dynamically in accordance with a corresponding state change of physical storage. The fast path may cache only portions of the extent table as needed in accordance with a caching technique. The fast path may cache a subset of the extent table stored within the control path. A set of primitives may be used in performing data operations. A locking mechanism is described for controlling access to data shared by the control paths.

Target information generation and ad server

InactiveUS7155508B2Increase ratingsGreater profit margin for ad companiesDigital computer detailsTransmissionMass storageApplication software
An advertisement selection and delivery system for selecting advertisements based on profile information and rendering the advertisements as accessible to a user operating a network-capable appliance connected to a data-packet-network is provided. The system comprises, a first server node connected to the network, the first server node functioning as a user access point on the network, a mass storage repository accessible to the first server node, the repository for storing and serving user profile data, a second server node connected to the network, the second server node for generating user preference data, at least one advertisement server connected to the network, the advertisement server for serving advertisement data, a software application for generating user preference lists and performing advertisement selection and at least one network-capable appliance connected to the network the network-capable appliance for receiving the advertisement data. A user operating the network-capable appliance accesses the first server node and receives the advertisement data, the advertisement data selected for service by matching the user preference data to stored advertisements and rendered accessible to the user during the time of user access to the system from the network-capable appliance.

Method and storage and manipulation of storage system metrics

A method for storage and manipulation of storage system metrics incorporates a self-describing format wherein each data file includes a header block that contains the description and order of the periodic data. The header block is followed by a data block in which the data items are presented in the order that they appear in the data description block for that category. Two types of data are managed, including Base Metrics and Derived Metrics. Base Metrics are metrics that appear in the data file sent by an agent. Derived Metrics are computed based on a set of functions that derive new metrics from the base metrics as well as from previously defined derived metrics. A subset of the data block or file describes the configuration of the storage system at the time that the data file was created. Thus the data file contains a header section that in addition to describing the metrics also describes the configuration. A performance view component a user interface that facilitates access to the archives, and data manipulation effecting enhanced performance analysis, workload characterization and capacity planning. The performance view component facilitates generation of factory and user defined views of monitored metrics / parameters. Metrics from a storage system can be correlated using the performance view features, and parameters across machines can be correlated as well. System configuration(s) can be viewed and changed via the performance view user interface.

Media indexer

InactiveUS20050033758A1Inexpensive and dependable and fully effectiveTelevision system detailsPeptide/protein ingredientsData operationsFile sharing
A media indexer method, a media indexer, and / or a media indexer computer useable medium. The media indexer includes a central processor and a memory carrying thereon media indexer software which carries out steps including receiving a media signal, identifying keyframes of the media signal, establishing metadata for each identified keyframe, tagging each identified keyframe with metadata established for the associated keyframe, and outputting the media signal in a form unchanged from the received media signal, and / or a form including identified keyframes of the received media signal, each identified keyframe including a representative media keyframe event with metadata associated with the corresponding media keyframe event. The media indexer can generate parallel index signals that are synchronized to the time rate of the received media signal, and can input and output data using standard compatible file formats for file sharing and data manipulations with other compatible files and software.

System and methods of performing real-time on-board automotive telemetry analysis and reporting

Active diagnosis of current operating and potential fault conditions in the operation of the vehicle is implemented using a diagnostic controller interoperating with an on-board vehicle control system as installed within a vehicle. The diagnostic controller supports autonomous execution of diagnostic tests initiated dependent on the operational state of the vehicle. The control system includes a diagnostics control manager that autonomously selects test routines for execution at defined operational states, including in-service operational states, a monitor, responsive to sensor data retrieved in real-time from the on-board vehicle control system, operative to detect a current instance of the in-service operational state of the vehicle, and a diagnostic test scheduler operative to initiate execution of the diagnostic test routine upon detection of the current instance of the in-service operational state of the vehicle.

Fast path caching

Described are techniques used in a computer system for handling data operations to storage devices. A switching fabric includes one or more fast paths for handling lightweight, common data operations and at least one control path for handling other data operations. A control path manages one or more fast paths. The fast path and the control path are utilized in mapping virtual to physical addresses using mapping tables. The mapping tables include an extent table of one or more entries corresponding to varying address ranges. The size of an extent may be changed dynamically in accordance with a corresponding state change of physical storage. The fast path may cache only portions of the extent table as needed in accordance with a caching technique. The fast path may cache a subset of the extent table stored within the control path. A set of primitives may be used in performing data operations. A locking mechanism is described for controlling access to data shared by the control paths.

Vehicle communication, analysis and operation system

A communication and analysis system can manage data operations with a vehicle centric system. A vehicle that is in a communications link with a network can also manage its activities based on real-time, historical and predictive knowledge, without having this knowledge processing on-board. Such data processing includes the geo-spatial, internal functions and operator specific requirements. The rule based system also incorporates the use patterns of a specific vehicle, or a specific user. A use pattern can be transferred from one operator to another or be shared to assist with navigation and operations. A vehicle operator or vehicle multiple operators can share or upload information that can assist with efficient operations, including fuel conservation and time management. Use patterns can be assigned to geospatial regions and be used for comparative analysis for such activities as efficient operation, safe travel and navigation.

Security infusion pump with bar code reader

A medical infusion pump with a bar code reader having simplified and enhanced security features. The infusion pump with bar code reader is comprised of an infusion pump with a housing, a control display screen and control software for operating the infusion pump according to input infusion data. A bar code reader is contained in the infusion pump housing and operatively attached to communicate scanned bar code infusion data to the pump display screen and to the control software. At least one initialization button for starting execution of a bar code scanning program is operatively connected through circuitry in the pump, the program activating the bar code reader to scan for an authorized user code, for an authorized user ID code, for a patient ID code, and for infusion data compatible for operating the infusion pump. A confirmation program and confirmation buttons manually operable by the authorized user. Acceptable scanning of authorization code, authorized user ID code, patient ID code and infusion data must be manually confirmed by the authorized user prior to activating the pump to infuse fluids according to the infusion data.

System and method for recommending items of interest to a user

A system and method is disclosed for recommending items to individual users using a combination of clustering decision trees and frequency-based term mapping. The system and method of the present invention is configured to receive data based on user action, such as television remote control activity, or computer keyboard entry, and when a new item data is made available from sources such as television program guides, movie databases, deliverers of advertising data, on-line auction web sites, and electronic mail servers, the system and method analytically breaks down the new item data, compares it to ascertained attributes of item data that a user liked in the past, and produces numeric ranking of the new item data dynamically, and without subsequent user input, or data manipulation by item data deliverers, and is tailored to each individual user. A embodiment is disclosed for learning user interests based on user actions and then applying the learned knowledge to rank, recommend, and / or filter items, such as e-mail spam, based on the level of interest to a user. The embodiment may be used for automated personalized information learning, recommendation, and / or filtering systems in applications such as television programming, web-based auctions, targeted advertising, and electronic mail filtering. The embodiment may be structured to generate item descriptions, learn items of interest, learn terms that effectively describe the items, cluster similar items in a compact data structure, and then use the structure to rank new offerings. Embodiments of the present invention include, by way of non-limiting example: allowing the assignment of rank scores to candidate items so one can be recommended over another, building decision trees incrementally using unsupervised learning to cluster examples into categories automatically, consistency with “edge” (thick client) computing whereby certain data structures and most of the processing are localized to the set-top box or local PC, the ability to learn content attributes automatically on-the-fly, and the ability to store user preferences in opaque local data structures and are not easily traceable to individual users.

Systems and methods for detailed error reporting in data storage systems

Embodiments of the invention are directed to providing detailed error reporting of data operations performed on a NVM storage device. In one embodiment, a controller interfaces with a NVM storage device including NVM storage coupled with a bridge. In one embodiment, the controller is provided physical, page-level access to the NVM via the bridge, and the bridge provides detailed error reporting of the data operations that the bridge performs on the NVM on behalf of the controller. For example, the bridge may provide page level reporting indicating which page(s) failed during a read operation. Detailed error reporting allows the controller to better understand the failures that occurred in a data access operation in the NVM. It also enables the controller to manage the flash media at the physical page / block level. In one embodiment, detailed error reporting also enables the return of discontinuous ranges of data with the error portions removed.

I/O primitives

Described are techniques used in a computer system for handling data operations to storage devices. A switching fabric includes one or more fast paths for handling lightweight, common data operations and at least one control path for handling other data operations. A control path manages one or more fast paths. The fast path and the control path are utilized in mapping virtual to physical addresses using mapping tables. The mapping tables include an extent table of one or more entries corresponding to varying address ranges. The size of an extent may be changed dynamically in accordance with a corresponding state change of physical storage. The fast path may cache only portions of the extent table as needed in accordance with a caching technique. The fast path may cache a subset of the extent table stored within the control path. A set of primitives may be used in performing data operations. A locking mechanism is described for controlling access to data shared by the control paths.

Dynamic, hierarchical data exchange system

A computer system provides the ability to construct and edit a Data Definition File (DDF) containing hierarchically related elements of data, some of which are dynamic in that they must execute in order to produce or retrieve data. A client computer system having knowledge of a DDF appropriate for its uses sends a request to a server, which contains or can retrieve the DDF requested by the client. The request contains parameters used by the server to customize the resulting keyed data file for the client's purposes. Upon receipt of the request, the server copies the DDF into a coupled memory, performs requested parameter substitutions, and executes dynamic elements to produce resulting data elements. The process is repeated recursively for all elements of the hierarchical structure, until no dynamic elements remain, then the resulting keyed data file is returned to the client for its uses. Data elements may be derived from a plurality of sources, and these sources may be combined and manipulated using a plurality of data operations, including relational algebra or structured query language, enabling joins and merges between multiple sources and formats. An Authoring System is provided which assists in the construction and validation of DDFs.

Vehicle communication, analysis and operation system

The present invention provides a communication and analysis system that can manage data operations with a vehicle centric system with a planned route path. A vehicle that is in a communications link with a network can also manage its activities based on real time, historical and predictive knowledge, without having this all knowledge processing on board. Such data processing would include a cluster analysis of geo-spatial, internal functions and operator specific requirements. The rule based system would also incorporate the use patterns of a specific vehicle, or a specific user. A vehicle operator or vehicle multiple operators could share or upload information that would assist with efficient data processing and display, including fuel conservation and time management. Cluster weighting patterns can be assigned based on activities as efficient operation, safe travel and navigation.

Adaptively modifying pre-read operations within a rotating media storage device

A rotating media storage device (RMSD) that adaptively modifies pre-read operations is disclosed. The RMSD schedules a pre-read data segment on a second track of disk, commands a movable head to seek to the second track, and if an on-track condition is not met for the scheduled pre-read data segment, modifies the pre-read operation. In one example, modifying the pre-read operation includes canceling the pre-read operation and then performing a read data operation.

Fast path for performing data operations

Described are techniques used in a computer system for handling data operations to storage devices. A switching fabric includes one or more fast paths for handling lightweight, common data operations and at least one control path for handling other data operations. A control path manages one or more fast paths. The fast path and the control path are utilized in mapping virtual to physical addresses using mapping tables. The mapping tables include an extent table of one or more entries corresponding to varying address ranges. The size of an extent may be changed dynamically in accordance with a corresponding state change of physical storage. The fast path may cache only portions of the extent table as needed in accordance with a caching technique. The fast path may cache a subset of the extent table stored within the control path. A set of primitives may be used in performing data operations. A locking mechanism is described for controlling access to data shared by the control paths.

Method and apparatus for accelerating data access operations in a database system

Data access operations in a database system may be accelerated by allowing the memory cache to be supplemented with a disk cache. The disk cache can store data that isn't able to fit in the memory cache and, since it doesn't contain the primary copy of the data for the database, may organize the data in such a way that the data is able to be streamed from the disks in response to data read operations. The reduced number of read data operations allows the data to be read from the disk cache faster than it could be served from the primary storage facilities, which might not allow the data to be organized in the same manner. The cache hit ratio may be increased by compressing data prior to storing it in the cache. Additionally, where a particular portion of data stored on the disk cache is being used heavily, that portion may be pulled into memory cache to accelerate access to that portion of data.

Threshold device for a memory array

A threshold device including a plurality of adjacent tunnel barrier layers that are in contact with one another and are made from a plurality of different dielectric materials is disclosed. A memory plug having first and second terminals includes, electrically in series with the first and second terminals, the threshold device and a memory element that stores data as a plurality of conductivity profiles. The threshold device is operative to impart a characteristic I-V curve that defines current flow through the memory element as a function of applied voltage across the terminals during data operations. The threshold device substantially reduces or eliminates current flow through half-selected or un-selected memory plugs and allows a sufficient magnitude of current to flow through memory plugs that are selected for read and write operations. The threshold device reduces or eliminates data disturb in half-selected memory plugs and increases S / N ratio during read operations.

Method, apparatus and system for processing compliance actions over a wide area network

The method, apparatus and system are provided for obtaining information regarding compliance with local laws via client computers to upload information to a centralized server preferably over a wide area network. The data is obtained through interaction with a client device and the data is stored on a server. The server has access to a database engine which provides triggering and alarming capabilities for the tracking of applicable dates and events. The server system is provided with software and / or hardware necessary to perform manipulation of the data provided by the client and enable reconfiguration of the data for investigative and reporting purposes.

Synchronizing image data among applications and devices

For providing synchronization of image data among diverse devices and applications, exemplary systems include a direct client application providing a user interface operable to allow a user to organize image data according to albums, and to select one or more albums for synchronization with one or more server interfaces that provide various image data manipulation, sharing, and features related thereto. Systems also include an intermediary system to assist in synchronization of select albums with handheld devices, and a notification server to provide scalable notifications of album updates made at server interfaces by users. Exemplary methods include steps providing for selection, from direct client applications, of albums to synchronize with devices, including handheld devices, and various steps of providing updates and notifications among appropriate system components.
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