The invention is related to a gripper mechanism segment (10, 40, 74, 76, 78, 80), comprising two bar-like links (12, 14, 42, 44, 108, 110), a first (16, 46, 86, 88) and a second (18, 48) link holder which are connected together by four hinges to a pivotable parallelogram structure, whereas the four axis of pivoting (20, 84, 102) are in parallel. The hinges are carried out as elastic material plates (22, 104). The invention is also related to a gripper mechanism, comprising a base body (90), two gripper mechanism segments (10, 40) according to claim 7 or 8, which are connected thereto with their first link holders (16, 46, 86, 88) in that way, that the parallelogram structures are moveable in the same plane and obverse each to each other. The belonging second link holders (18, 48) are connected with a finger bar (62, 64) each, so that an object (66) inbetween the two finger bars (62, 64) can be gripped by pivoting the parallelogram structures against each other.