security system for determining if a screened individual is a potential perpetrator of a crime. The following scanning devices are connected to a scanning
system control computer: a physiological sign scanning device for measuring the physiological signs of the individual, an iris
scanner for scanning the individual's iris, and an identification card
scanner for scanning the individual's identification. The scanning
system control computer is connected to a master
database located on a master computer. A predetermined set of baseline
normal values of physiological signs and
vital signs for the general
population is installed on the master
database forming a general
population database. Each individual who is scanned has their own personal
data file created, in which their individual physiological set of norms, plus their iris scan would be attached and compared for future scans forming an individual database. The scanning
system control computer is programmed to receive scan inputs from the physiological sign scanning device, the iris
scanner, and the identification card scanner and to forward the inputs to the master computer. The master computer is programmed to compare the scanned inputs to the general
population database and the individual database and to assign a grade of either a pass or fail to the scanned inputs. The master computer is further programmed to transmit an alert to the scanning system control computer if the grade is a fail. After receiving an alert an operator in charge of the scanning system control computer can pull the individual aside for further investigation and screening. In a preferred embodiment, a boarding pass scanner for scanning an individual's boarding pass is also connected to the scanning system control computer. Also, in a preferred embodiment, the master database is the database of the
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the scanning system control computer is connected to the master TSA database via
the Internet.