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2874 results about "Event data" patented technology

Event data is a synonym to an audit trail. Modern computer software applications and IT infrastructure have adopted the term event data over audit trail. Events are typically recorded in logs and there is no standard for the format of event type data. Examples of the use of this new term to describe audit trails are becoming more common and the term is cited in the documentation of the Microsoft Event Viewer which provides visibility into events in the following logs: Application log, security log, System log, Directory service log, File Replication service log and DNS server log.

Multimedia surveillance and monitoring system including network configuration

A comprehensive, wireless multimedia surveillance and monitoring system provides a combination of megapixel digital camera capability with full motion video surveillance with a network, including network components and appliances such as wiring, workstations, and servers with the option of geographical distribution with various wide area carriers. The full service, multi-media surveillance system is capable of a wide range of monitoring techniques utilizing digital network architecture and is adapted for transmitting event data, video and / or image monitoring information, audio signals and other sensor and detector data over significant distances using digital data transmission over a LAN, wireless LAN, Intranet or Internet for automatic assessment and response including dispatch of response personnel. Both wired and wireless appliance and sensor systems may be employed. GPS dispatching is used to locate and alert personnel as well as to indicate the location of an event. Automatic mapping and dispatch permits rapid response. The wireless LAN connectivity permits local distribution of audio, video and image data over a relatively high bandwidth without requirement of a license and without relying on a common carrier and the fees associated therewith. The surveillance system may be interfaced with a WAN (wide area Network) or the Internet for providing a worldwide, low cost surveillance system with virtually unlimited geographic application. Centralized monitoring stations have access to all of the surveillance data from various remote locations via the Internet or the WAN. A server provides a centralized location for data collection, alarm detection and processing, access control, dispatch processing, logging functions and other specialized functions. The server may be inserted virtually anywhere in the Intranet / Internet network. The topology of the network will be established by the geographic situation of the installation. Appropriate firewalls may be set up as desired. The server based system permits a security provider to have access to the appliance and sensor and surveillance data or to configure or reconfigure the system for any station on the network.

System and Method for Capturing and Preserving Vehicle Event Data

The invention relates to a system and method for capturing and preserving vehicle event data. A vehicle-mount computer is adapted to capture video and other data relating to the operation of the vehicle. Event sensors inform the system of the occurrence of a vehicle event, which may include a sudden deceleration or change in yaw indicative of a vehicle accident. Upon the occurrence of a vehicle event, the system preserves the data for later use in the investigation of the vehicle event.

Server architecture and methods for persistently storing and serving event data

A web site system includes an event history server system that persistently stores event data reflective of events that occur during browsing sessions of web site users, and makes such data available to other applications and services in real time. The server system may, for example, be used to record information about every mouse click of every recognized user, and may also be used to record other types of events such as impressions and mouse-over events. The event data of a particular user may be retrieved from the server system based on event type, event time of occurrence, and various other criteria. In one embodiment, the server system includes a cache layer that caches event data by session ID, and includes a persistent storage layer the persistently stores the event data by user ID. Also disclosed are various application features that may be implemented using the stored event data.

Mining of user event data to identify users with common interests

A computer-implemented matching service matches users to other users, and / or to user communities, based at least in part on a computer analysis of event data reflective of user behaviors. The event data may, for example, evidence user affinities for particular items represented in an electronic catalog, such as book titles, music titles, movie titles, and / or other types of items that tend to reflect the traits of users. Event data reflective of other types of user actions, such as item-detail-page viewing events, browse node visits, search query submissions, and / or web browsing patterns may additionally or alternatively be considered. By taking such event data into consideration, the matching service reduces the burden on users to explicitly supply personal profile information, and reduces poor results caused by exaggerations and other inaccuracies in such profile information.

Computer-enabled, networked, facility emergency notification, management and alarm system

Secure, verifiable, computer-enabled, LAN / WAN / Wireless networked, facility emergency notification, rapid alert management, and occupant alarm systems for public, private, and government buildings, and outdoor areas for which there is a need for rapid alerts to occupants or attendees of the occurrence of impending or in-progress dangerous or threatening events. The inventive system is a highly flexible rapid alert initiation, management and archival system comprising computer-enabled and network-linked apparatus, software, and methods enabling rapid dissemination from a central station or decentralized location of alerts of the occurrence of threatening or dangerous events in a series of hierarchical, increasing levels of directed action to be taken by the occupants, and permits monitoring and controlling activity of occupants during the event, archiving event data, including audio or / and video recordings until the situation returns to normal and an all clear signal is given. Databases provide site plans to assist in the response planning and execution.

Methods and systems for betting with pari-mutuel payouts

A server for facilitating real-time betting, wherein the server communicates with clients via a distributed computing network. The server includes a memory storing an operating system, an instruction set, event data related to a sporting event, gambler data related to gamblers participating in a competition based upon the sporting event and site data related to electronic pages associated with the real-time para-mutuel betting. A processor runs the instruction set and communicates with the memory and the distributed computing network. The processor is operative to enroll the gamblers by presenting betting rules associated with the sporting event, collect wagering from the gamblers, accept predictions for discrete events within the sporting event from each gambler and determine a first winner of the competition based upon the predictions. Applications include lotteries with entries received from mobile devices.

System and Method for Detecting Non-Cathode Arcing in a Plasma Generation Apparatus

A system and method for detecting the potential of non-cathode arcing in a plasma generation apparatus, such as a physical vapor deposition chamber. The system and method involve computing a statistical parameter of cathode-arcing event data in the chamber and performing a pattern recognition technique to a moving average of the statistical parameter.

Methods of Discretizing data captured at event data recorders

Exception event recorders and analysis systems include: vehicle mounted sensors arranged as a vehicle event recorder to capture both discrete and non-discrete data; a discretization facility; a database; and an analysis server all coupled together as a computer network. Motor vehicles with video cameras and onboard diagnostic systems capture data when the vehicle is involved in a crash or other anomaly (an ‘event’). In station where interpretation of non-discrete data is rendered, i.e. a discretization facility, captured data is used as a basis for production of supplemental discrete data to further characterize the event. Such interpreted data is joined to captured data and inserted into a database in a structure which is searchable and which supports logical or mathematical analysis by automated machines. A coupled analysis server is arranged to test stored data for prescribed conditions and upon finding such, to initiate further actions appropriate for the detected condition.

Pharmacy management and administration with bedside real-time medical event data collection

Methods and systems for automatically establishing an enhanced electronic health record (EHR) for a patient include an automatic data collection facility that collects data of a medically related event in proximity to a patient upon occurrence of the event. The collected data may include medication administration data such as medication, time of administration, administration of a dosage of medication, reaction data, and the like. The collected data is communicated to a real-time data integration facility that automatically integrates the data with a patient's electronic health record to establish an enhanced electronic health record.

Comfort-driven optimization of electric grid utilization

A system for electric grid utilization and optimization comprising a communications interface executing on a network-connected server and adapted to receive information from a plurality of iNodes, the plurality of iNodes comprising a source iNode, a sink iNode, a plurality of transmission or distribution iNodes, an event database coupled to the communications interface and adapted to receive events from a plurality of iNodes via the communications interface, a modeling server coupled to the communications interface, and a statistics server coupled to the event database and the modeling server, wherein the modeling server, receives a request to establish an allocation of at least one of transmission losses, distribution losses, and ancillary services to a specific sink iNode, computes at least one virtual path for electricity flow between a source iNode and the specific sink iNode, the computed path being determined based on optimization of perceived comfort of users in affected areas.

Dynamic pricing system and method for complex energy securities

InactiveUS20110040666A1FinanceDigital computer detailsComputational securityCommunication interface
A dynamic pricing system for complex energy securities, comprising a communications interface executing on a network-connected server and adapted to receive information from a plurality of iNodes, an event database coupled to the communications interface and adapted to receive events from a plurality of iNodes via the communications interface, a pricing server coupled to the communications interface, and a statistics server coupled to the event database and the pricing server, is disclosed. According to the invention, the pricing server, on receiving a request to establish a price for an energy security, requests at least one statistical indicia of risk from the statistics server, the statistical indicia of risk being computed by the statistics server based on a plurality of historical data obtained from the event database, and the pricing server computes a price for the security based at least in part on the statistical indicia of risk.

Mining of user event data to identify users with common interests

A computer-implemented matching service matches users to other users, and / or to user communities, based at least in part on a computer analysis of event data reflective of user behaviors. The event data may, for example, evidence user affinities for particular items represented in an electronic catalog, such as book titles, music titles, movie titles, and / or other types of items that tend to reflect the traits of users. Event data reflective of other types of user actions, such as item-detail-page viewing events, browse node visits, search query submissions, and / or web browsing patterns may additionally or alternatively be considered. By taking such event data into consideration, the matching service reduces the burden on users to explicitly supply personal profile information, and reduces poor results caused by exaggerations and other inaccuracies in such profile information.

System and method for taking risk out of driving

Systems and methods for taking risk out of driving are presented. The system comprises an event capture device that records audio, video, and other information that collectively comprise an event. The event data, including the audio, video, and other related information, is provided to an evaluation server where it is stored in a database of events. Driving events can be analyzed singularly or collectively to provide counseling of fleet drivers, reconstruction and forensic analysis of automobile accidents, and driver and / or vehicle scores / ratings.

Methods and systems for betting with pari-mutuel payouts

A server for facilitating real-time betting, wherein the server communicates with clients via a distributed computing network. The server includes a memory storing an operating system, an instruction set, event data related to a sporting event, gambler data related to gamblers participating in a competition based upon the sporting event and site data related to electronic pages associated with the real-time para-mutuel betting. A processor runs the instruction set and communicates with the memory and the distributed computing network. The processor is operative to enroll the gamblers by presenting betting rules associated with the sporting event, collect wagering from the gamblers, accept predictions for discrete events within the sporting event from each gambler and determine a first winner of the competition based upon the predictions.

Vehicle Event Playback Apparatus and Methods

Vehicle event data playback systems have been devised and invented to provide authorized users means for advanced visual review. Detailed circumstances relating to vehicle operation are visually presented in these unique playback systems. In particular, a group of cooperating visual display devices operate in conjunction with each other to effect a detailed visual presentation of a vehicle's operational states. An interested party is afforded a high level of access to many data types in highly graphical and intuitive arrangements. Further, data replay access is enhanced by slow motion, fast forward, loop repeat, among others which have never before been associated with these data types nor with the compound visual presentations first taught in the accompanying disclosure.

Method and apparatus for enterprise management

A method and apparatus for a network monitor internals mechanism, which serves to translate packet data into multiple concurrent streams of encoded network event data, to contribute to enterprise management, reporting, and global mechanisms for aggregating monitors at a centralized aggregation point, and to facilitate rate limiting techniques because such monitors are not in control (i.e. cannot back pressure flow) is provided.

Discretization facilities for vehicle event data recorders

Exception event recorders and analysis systems include: vehicle mounted sensors arranged as a vehicle event recorder to capture both discrete and non-discrete data; a discretization facility; a database; and an analysis server all coupled together as a computer network. Motor vehicles with video cameras and onboard diagnostic systems capture data when the vehicle is involved in a crash or other anomaly (an ‘event’). In station where interpretation of non-discrete data is rendered, i.e. a discretization facility, captured data is used as a basis for production of supplemental discrete data to further characterize the event. Such interpreted data is joined to captured data and inserted into a database in a structure which is searchable and which supports logical or mathematical analysis by automated machines. A coupled analysis server is arranged to test stored data for prescribed conditions and upon finding such, to initiate further actions appropriate for the detected condition.

Apparatus and method for reproducing voice in synchronism with music piece

InactiveUS7365260B2Avoid wastingEdited and revised with easeGearworksMusical toysData designEvent data
Music piece sequence data are composed of a plurality of event data which include performance event data and user event data designed for linking a voice to progression of a music piece. A plurality of voice data files are stored in a memory separately from the music piece sequence data. In music piece reproduction, the individual event data of the music piece sequence data are sequentially read out, and a tone signal is generated in response to each readout of the performance event data. In the meantime, a voice reproduction instruction is output in response to each readout of the user event data. In accordance with the voice reproduction instruction, a voice data file is selected from among the voice data files stored in the memory, and a voice signal is generated on the basis of each read-out voice data.

Dynamic instrumentation event trace system and methods

InactiveUS7047521B2Performance impact is minimalMaximize discriminating detectionHardware monitoringSoftware testing/debuggingDynamic instrumentationParallel computing
Program code loaded for execution by a computer can be dynamically instrumented to collect event data by inserting an instruction at a trace point within the program code as loaded in a memory space of a computer, where the trace point corresponds to the beginning of a predefined function of the program selected for event tracing. The instruction provides for the direction of the execution of said computer to a function proxy routine, which includes a call to an instance of the predefined function. Event data is collected in connection with the calling of the instance of the predefined function.

Distributed digital rights management node module and methods for use therewith

A digital rights management (DRM) node module for use in a node of a public data includes a node data module that stores DRM data associated with a plurality of digital files, the DRM data including a plurality of DRM identifiers. A packet monitoring module receives the plurality of DRM identifiers from the node data module, that receives packets containing incoming content and compares the incoming content to the DRM identifier, and generates event data when the incoming content matches at least one of the DRM identifiers. A node reporting module receives the event data, and generates node report data based on the event data.

Use of accelerometer signal to augment ventricular arrhythmia detection

A system and method for detecting and discriminating atrial arrhythmias based on mechanical signals of cardiac wall motion and electrical signals of cardiac depolarizations. A mechanical event rate determined from sensed mechanical events is used to corroborate an electrical event rate determined from sensed EGM or ECG signals to classify the heart rhythm. If the event rates are not correlated, other parameterized data from the mechanical signal and electrical signal are evaluated to detect evidence of an arrhythmia. If electrical and mechanical event data do not corroborate a common arrhythmia condition, electrical and mechanical sensing parameters may be adjusted.

Management and Provision of Interactive Content

Various implementations for managing and providing interactive content are described. One example implementation includes a system having one or more processors, a communication unit, a content management engine, an interactivity module, and a reporting module. The communication unit sends and receives data over a network. The content management engine transmits a first instance of an interactive content dataset via the communication unit to a first client device of a first user for presentation. The interactivity module receives event data describing an interaction with the interactive content dataset from the first client device via the communication unit. The reporting module generates a report describing the interaction by the first user with the interactive content dataset and transmits the report via the communication unit to one or more of the first client device and a second client device of a second user for presentation.

Multilingual text-to-speech system

The invention converts raw data in a base language (e.g. English) into conversational formatted messages in multiple languages. The process converts input data rows into related sequences to a set of prerecorded audio phrase files. The sequences reference both recorded phrases of input data components and user-created text phrases inserted before and after the input data. When the audio sequences are played in sequence, a coherent conversational message in the language of the caller results. An IVR server responding to a caller's menu selection uses the invention's output data to generate the coherent response. Two embodiment are presented, a simple embodiment that responds to messages, and a more complex embodiment that converts enterprise demographic and member-event data collected over a period into audio sentences played in response to a menu item section by a caller in the caller's language.
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