ThunderCall is a
computer based system for delivering NWS (
National Weather Service)
severe weather warnings as a message (personalized information, if desired) via an automated dialing
system to live persons and to automated recorders comprising the steps of: forming a
database of names with their respective geographic locations; capturing a NWS Bulletin reciting the location of a severe
storm; validating a relevant Bulletin into a Valid Bulletin by determining from the
storm's location that it represents an imminent severe
storm danger to at least one person of said
database (capable of 10,000,000 or more persons) recording, if desired, an individual personal urgent warning to the name of the intended recipient of the Valid Bulletin; combining, if desired, said personal warning with a generic severe storm warning for said recipient; and, sending said Valid Bulletin with said combined warnings to said person whereby he is alerted within seconds of the
release time of said
National Weather Service bulletin to the danger of said storm. The storms can include but are not limited to warnings for tornados, severe storms, hurricanes, winter storms, and other impending storms, and the like, and can be delivered to answering machines, live telephone recipients, PC screens, and can further
shut down electrical equipment such as PCs.