A broadband antenna system is disclosed. The antenna system relates to a modified conical structure, wherein the feed region of the cone is cut away to form a hollow “coneless” cylinder, and the distribution of one or more tapered feed points around the circumference of the cylinder allows a plurality of feed lines, cables, piping, or other structures to be run through the center of the antenna without interfering with the performance of the antenna system. The invention further relates to a stacked broadband antenna system wherein additional coneless elements, as well as other types of antennas or devices, may be stacked collinearly on, or disposed coaxially to, the cylindrical antenna structure, and fed, powered or operated via the plurality of feed lines, cables, piping or other structures. The overall system may thus provide a wide range of transmitting, receiving, sensing and other capabilities. By stacking a plurality of coneless elements with other antennas, the antenna system of the present invention may provide a virtually infinite bandwidth.