load bearing rotation lock mechanism including disks or cylinders with teeth or a combination of both that
interlock radially between their inner and outer surface areas, or frontal areas, or both, where one of the disks or cylinders is attached to a fixed surface area and the other disk or cylinder is attached to a pivoting arm, plate, or other kind of
load bearing support element, and where one of the disks or cylinders is able to mesh (lock) and un-mesh (unlock) from the other disk or cylinder by protruding, retracting, or sliding laterally over a common, continuous or divided axis, shaft, or channel thereby freezing the angular position of the pivoting arm, plate, or other kind of
load bearing support element with respect to the fixed surface area at the time the disks, cylinders, or a combination of both, mesh (lock) with each other and unfreezing the pivoting arm, plate, or other kind of load bearing support element to pivot freely with respect to the fixed surface area when the disks, cylinders, or combination of both un-mesh (unlock) from one another.