An undergarment, as in a multi-way
sizing bra, whereas present invention is able to change its back size, cup size, strap lengths and secureness of fit all while transforming to a
convertible bra for
breastfeeding for
nursing mothers. An undergarment, and particularly a bra, that can further facilitate the stages of bra-wearing and
nursing for individuals within one garment. Present invention eliminates the costs required to purchase different sized bras in response to changes in bra size during different stages of life [as in puberty,
weight gain or loss and beyond] by providing a plurality of
sizing options in one garment. Present invention is a functional bra which can offer necessary support for
nursing, large, average or small breasts; as well as accommodating different sized breasts on an individual. Present invention can withstand the wear, tear and
sizing changes because of interchangeable components, adjustable and
convertible features of components. The present invention comprises fully detachable components to provide the user with different types and sizes of options when needed. Purpose of present invention is to provide a high quality, well-fitting,
convertible and interchangeable bra capable of adapting to a single user's changed size practicably and inexpensively. Preferred embodiment of present invention provides base components able to interchange cups, bands and straps allowing replacement of components of the bra for temporary changes instead of having to purchase an entire bra which can be ill-fitting or expensive or both depending on the price or quality just or short-term use.