This invention is the structure of a safety plug that is used to switch power in sequence easily and is composed of main body, upper housing,
copper strip, flexible conductive strip, a non-conductive switch-gear with a curved block on its lateral side; a conductive curve strip embedded on the same axis of the said switch-gear so that they can rotate simultaneously; and two wires with long- and short-end are compressed tightly on the
copper strip and on the wires of the
joint point of the flexible conductive strip, respectively. The structure is designed so that when the switch-gear rotates in 360 degrees, the curved block will rotate simultaneously. Two corresponding curved blocks are used to control the rotation in order to connect the curve strip to the front and back conductive strips. There is a gap on the bottom of the curved blocks in order to increase the flexibility factor of the conductive strip's forward and reverse performance. Consequently, this invention is invented for easy power switch in sequence, so as to prevent the loosing plug by eliminating the frequent plug and unplug actions, and the danger of
electric shock.