A teaching aid for instructing proper finger position on a “fret-less” stringed instrument (for example, violin, viola, cello, bass) comprises a template that is positioned along the fingerboard at the proper finger position location (i.e., “first position”) for the first four half-steps associated with each string. A set of raised, “Braille-like” features is formed as a grid pattern on the surface of the template, with each row of features associated with each tone half step. Each “row” contains a set of three raised features—a separate feature located between an adjacent pair of strings. Once the template is properly positioned, the raised features are pressed out of the template and transferred to adhere to the fingerboard. By locating the raised features between the strings, the teaching aid does not interfere with sound quality or the ability to induce vibrato to the playing, while still providing a tactile clue for the proper note location for intonation purposes. Once the student has mastered proper finger placement, the raised features may be removed.