system and method for creating lesions and assessing their completeness or transmurality. Assessment of transmurality of a
lesion is accomplished by monitoring the impedance of the tissue to be ablated. Rather than attempting to detect a desired drop or a desired increase impedance, completeness of a
lesion is detected in response to the measured impedance remaining at a stable level for a desired period of time, referred to as an impedance
plateau. The mechanism for determining transmurality of lesions adjacent individual electrodes or pairs may be used to deactivate individual electrodes or
electrode pairs, when the lesions in tissue adjacent these individual electrodes or
electrode pairs are complete, to create an essentially uniform
lesion along the line of electrodes or
electrode pairs, regardless of differences in
tissue thickness adjacent the individual electrodes or electrode pairs. Complete or partial submersion in a fluid of the ablating portion of the
ablation device may be detected prior to, during or following an
ablation procedure.