The present invention is a multiple purposed
system of producing
methane from its hydrates and sequestering
carbon dioxide into its hydrates.
Methane hydrates mixed with mud, prepared with
methane mining
assembly 23 are brought to sea surface by a series of buckets 16 attaching to rotating chains 18. The decomposed
methane is collected into the methane dome 50 and is processed into
liquefied natural gas or synthetic liquid fuels.
Liquid carbon dioxide is brought down through a tube 70 and a sequestering device 86 into the sea where the pressure and the temperature are adequate for
carbon dioxide hydrates to form and settle down to the
sea bottom. The unconverted gaseous
carbon dioxide is collected into carbon dioxide dome 49 and is liquefied again for recycling. A specially designed marine plantation, comprising of plurality of planting units 352 and a fleet of seeding and harvesting boats, is employed to remove the
residual carbon dioxide from the sequestering, to alleviate the
global warming, to serves as an abundant source of
renewable energy, and as a huge sink for carbon. In addition, it could provide a profusion of less-polluted seafood. The operations of mining methane, sequestering carbon dioxide and marine plantation are fully integrated and optimized