There is realized a scanning
signal line drive circuit (in a
display device) capable of, even in a case where a circuit in a
shift register is formed using a thin-film
transistor which is relatively large in off leakage, suppressing unnecessary
power consumption due to a leakage current in the thin-film
transistor. In at least one embodiment, bistable circuit that forms the
shift register includes a thin-film
transistor for raising a potential of an output terminal based on a first
clock, a region netA connected to a gate terminal of the thin-film transistor, another thin-film transistor for lowering a potential of the region netA, and a region netB connected to a gate terminal of the other thin-film transistor. With this configuration, the potential of the region netB is raised based on a third
clock which is advanced in phase by 90 degrees with respect to the first
clock and is lowered based on a fourth clock which is delayed in phase by 90 degrees with respect to the first clock.