A novel product comprising a mixture of
probiotic and
prebiotic ingredients for the treatment of IBS, IBD, Crohn's
disease, antibiotic induced
diarrhea and other bowel disorders is described herein. Stabilized rice
bran derivatives, including stabilized rice
bran, RiSolubles, RiceMucil, and Cea100, are used as the source of prebiotics. The
prebiotic source is not only rich in fructo-oligosaccharides, but also has potent antioxidants and phytonutrients for intestinal health and the proliferation of bifido-
bacteria in the intestines. The probiotics used are different combinations and concentrations of Lactobacilli species, depending on the specific gastrointestinal
disease which is targeted. When refrigerated, the products are shelf-stable (95-99%) for at least one year.