A portable, lightweight digital imaging device uses a slit scanning arrangement to obtain an image of the eye, in particular the retina. The scanning arrangement reduces the amount of target area illuminated at a time, thereby reducing the amount of unwanted light scatter and providing a higher contrast image. A detection arrangement receives the light remitted from the retinal plane and produces an image. The device is operable under battery power and ambient light conditions, such as outdoor or room lighting. The device is noncontact and does not require that the pupil of the eye be dilated with drops. The device can be used by personnel who do not have specialized training in the eye, such as emergency personnel, pediatricians, general practitioners, or volunteer or otherwise unskilled screening personnel. Images can be viewed in the device or transmitted to a remote location. The device can also be used to provide images of the anterior segment of the eye, or other small structures. Visible wavelength light is not required to produce images of most important structures in the retina, thereby increasing the comfort and safety of the device. Flexible and moderate cost confocal and fluorescent imaging, multiply scattered light images, and image sharpening are further functionalities possible with the device.