A variety of adaptable electronic duobinary generating filters to be used in communication systems are provided, each filter generating an adaptable electronic duobinay
signal which is optimized for
system impairments. According to one exemplary implementation, an adaptable electronic duobinary generating filter comprises an adaptable
delay-and-add circuit, having an adaptable electronic
delay element having a
delay αT: 1 / T being the
bit rate of the binary
data input into the adaptable delay-and-add circuit, and a being an
adaptation parameter which can be optimized depending on the
system impairments. In one optional implementation, the adaptable electronic delay element can be programmably adaptable to optimize against
deterministic system impairments. In another optional implementation, the adaptable electronic delay element can be dynamically adaptable to optimize against dynamically varying
system impairments. Additionally, in one embodiment, an adaptable electronic duobinary drive circuitry based on the adaptable electronic duobinary generating filter can drive an adaptable optical duobinary
transmitter in a
fiber-optic communication system to produce an adaptable optical duobinary
signal, where the
adaptation parameter α is optimized to mitigate certain deleterious
transmission system impairments, such as distortions due to narrow optical filtering. Corresponding optical duobinary systems and methods are provided. Similarly, the adaptable electronic duobinary generating filter can be used to form an adaptable electronic duobinary
transmitter for an electronic duobinary communication system, to optimize the electronic duobinary
signal generated.