Provided is health-care foot-soaking Chinese herbal
medicine powder. The Chinese herbal
medicine powder is prepared from, by weight, 30-35 parts of
flos carthami, 20-25 parts of roots of red-rooted
salvia, 28-35 parts of
cassia twigs, 15-20 parts of radix
angelica sinensis, 30-35 parts of common clubmoss
herb, 25-32 parts of medicinal
cyathula roots, 33-38 parts of folium artemisiae argyi, 30-33 parts of mulberry twigs, 15-21 parts of radix angelicae pubescentis, 18-25 parts of cortex cinnamomi, 15-22 parts of radix polygoni multiflori, 10-15 parts of
pangolin scales, 10-15 parts of
antler powder, 15-20 parts of nutgrass galingale rhizomes, 20-25 parts of
myrrh, 20-25 parts of common monkshood mother roots, 25-30 parts of garden
balsam stems, 18-25 parts of milkvetch roots and 15-18 parts of notopterygium roots. The health-care foot-soaking Chinese herbal
medicine powder is easy to prepare, capable of rapidly relieving various symptoms, significant and lasting in
curative effect, rapid in
efficacy, strong in effect, free of stimulation, safe, reliable, easy and convenient to use, sufficient in
drug source and appropriate in price.