A method for time travel, which allows an object or a group of objects to travel into the past or the future, as well as a method to
cut objects from the past or future and paste them to the current environment. The present invention, called the practical time
machine, requires teams of super
intelligent robots that work together in the
virtual world and the real world to generate a perfect timeline of
planet Earth. The timeline of Earth records all objects, events and actions every fraction of a
nanosecond for the past or the future. A time traveler will set a time travel date; the time traveler can be one object or a group of objects. Next, atom manipulators are scattered throughout the Earth to change objects in our current environment based on the timeline; and incrementally, change the current environment until the time travel date. Each atom
manipulator is intelligent and manipulates the current environment as well as generating ghost machines to manipulate the current environment. Also, components of the practical time
machine can be used to create technology for the purpose of: building cars, planes and rockets that travel at the
speed of light, building intelligent weapons, creating physical objects from thin air, using a chamber to manipulate objects, building force fields, making objects invisible, building super powerful lasers, building anti-gravity machines, creating strong metals and alloys, creating the smallest computer chips, collecting energy without any solar panels or wind turbines, making physical
DNA, manipulating existing
DNA, making single
cell organisms, controlling the
software and hardware of computers and servers without an internet connection, and manipulating any object in the world.