The invention discloses a manned space and lunar exploration
spacecraft system scheme based on a lunar cycle revisiting
orbit and an exploration method. A
spacecraft system comprises four spacecrafts which are an earth lunar spaceport (ELS), a lunar exploration module (LEM), a
crew transfer vehicle (CTV) and a cargo transfer vehicle (CaTV). With the cooperation of an astronaut
system, a carrier
rocket system and an exploration and
control system, earth lunar space and lunar manned exploration are realized. A relatively entire exploration process of manned space and lunar exploration mission cycle is that the ELS is launched to an earth lunar cycle revisiting
orbit by a carrier
rocket to become an earth lunar spaceport which surrounds the earth, periodically revisits the moon, and chronically and stably moves on a large oval
orbit of which the cycle is half of the
lunar orbit cycle; then the lunar exploration module, the
crew transfer vehicle and the cargo transfer vehicle are orderly launched to a cycle revisiting orbit by the carrier
rocket for rendezvous and docking with the earth lunar spaceport; then the lunar exploration module is separated from the earth lunar spaceport to execute lunar manned field exploration; and finally the lunar exploration module returns to the earth lunar spaceport after finishing the lunar mission, and the
crew transfer vehicle is separated from the earth lunar spaceport and then returns to the earth.