An online
virtual reality ecommerce
system imposes needs upon its avatars, thereby enhancing the
simulation of reality, and providing need-based motivations for ecommerce in addition to enjoyment-based motivations. The virtual needs also cause avatars to be perceived as independent beings which can independently enjoy, desire, and suffer based on experiences and purchases within the
virtual world. This causes users to emotionally bond with their avatars, and to feel compassion, empathy, and even friendship toward them. Users feel increased desires to spend time online with their avatars, and to purchase goods for their avatars as well as for themselves. Avatars can be fantasy avatars in a virtual fantasy world, and their needs can include special, fantasy items. Basic needs can include food, clothing, shelter, exercise,
bathing, shaving,
medicine, and haircuts. Entertainment can be needed to avoid boredom, and specific tools, equipment, fuel, and / or transportation can be needed for various activities.