A method for distinguishing the host of
prawn-hickie comprehensive viruses includes the following steps: first, under an
atmospheric temperature, using
Trizol agent to extract the central
RNA of the tested animal tissue and making the ratio of
ultraviolet spectrophotometer
absorbance A260 / A280 of the tested
RNA liquor arrive at 1.8-2.0, using available
software Primer5.0 to design a pair of primers P1 and P2, and its size of augmentation-aim fragment of is 580bp, then using M-MLV
reverse transcriptase to reverse transcription to compound cDNA, the using cDNA and the designed specificity primers P1 and P2 to do PCR reaction and making
electrophoresis appraise for the product of PCR reaction. When it comes up a tested animal which has 580bp augmentation fragment, the animal is the host of
prawn-hickie comprehensive viruses. The said pair of primers are the upstream primer of P1(5'-GTG GTT TCA CGA GGT TGT-3') and the downstream primer of P2(5'-AAG GAG GAG GTG TTG GAG-3'). This invention is simple and direct, of high sensibility; the method for extracting the central
RNA of tissue is rapid and the quality is high, meanwhile, it reduces the degradation of RNA; furthermore, it can distinguish the tested animals earlier than presexisting
protein immune crossing technology.