A method for determining the
reference plane in multi-dimensional data is disclosed. In one embodiment, the method includes (a) providing multi-dimensional imagery data, referred to as set A, including an array of pixels having object pixels marked; (b) range gating about at least a subset of the marked object pixels, including marking pixels outside the
range gate to form an unmarked pixel subset of set A, referred to as subset B; (c) performing maximal z
density analysis on subset B, including marking pixels outside the
maximum density to form an unmarked pixel subset of subset B, referred to as subset C; (d) performing a local normal vector estimate on subset C, including marking pixels having a normal vector exceeding specified threshold L from nominal to form an unmarked pixel subset of subset C, referred to as subset D; (e) performing a first
ground plane fit on subset D, each pixel producing
residual value X, cumulatively known as residual set X; (f) analyzing residual X, including performing a residual
density analysis and marking pixels whose
residual value X exceeds specified threshold M to form an unmarked pixel subset of subset D, referred to as subset E; (g) performing a second
ground plane fit on subset E, each pixel producing
residual value Y, cumulatively known as residual set Y; (h) analyzing residual set Y, including marking pixels whose residual value Y exceeds specified threshold N to form an unmarked pixel subset of subset E, referred to as subset F; and (i) estimating the
reference plane for subset F.