The invention discloses composition for treating rheumatic
bone disease and a preparation method of the composition, and belongs to the technical field of
traditional Chinese medicine composition. Thecomposition comprises
active components as follows: radix rosae laevigatae, radix clematidis, herba speranskiae tuberculatae,
fructus psoraleae, radix arnebiae seu lithospermi, caulis spatholobi,
centipede, scorpio, Chinese ivy stems, radix saposhnikoviae, radix dipsaci, herba cynomorii, herba epimedii, herba lycopodii, radix angelicae sinensis, radix rehmanniae, cortex lycii radicis,
flos carthami,
vanillyl butyl ether,
capsaicin, herba agastaches, radix
ampelopsis, radix salviae miltiorrhizae, herba artemisiae anomalae, cattall
pollen, cortex albiziae, caulis polygoni multiflori and
bayberry bark. Compared with
western medicine, the composition is not prone to
drug resistance, and has lower side effects, can effectively treat the rheumatic
bone disease and achieves the effects of
inflammation resistance, detoxification, and
elimination of
effusion and swelling. The preparation method of the composition for treating the rheumatic
bone disease is suitable for industrial production, and has low production cost; and the obtained composition is
emulsion-shaped, is conveniently smeared at the affected part, and is lubricative and conveniently absorbed by