The invention discloses an amphiphilic superparamagnetism magnetic resonance contrast medium and a preparation method thereof. The contrast medium takes MnFe2O4 nanometer grains as cores; polyalcohol The invention discloses an amphiphilic superparamagnetism magnetic resonance contrast medium and a preparation method thereof. The contrast medium takes MnFe2O4 nanometer grains as cores; polyalcoholmical compatibility, low toxicity and good stability. The preparation method has the advantages of simple operation, low cost, low requirements on the equipment, and easy realization of industrialiological compatibility, low toxicity and good stability. The preparation method has the advantages of simple operation, low cost, low requirements on the equipment, and easy realization of industrialized production.ized production.olecules evenly clad the surfaces of the MnFe2O4 nanometer grains; and part of hydroxies on the outer ends of the polyalcohol molecules react with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate to form amphiphilicmolecules evenly clad the surfaces of the MnFe2O4 nanometer grains; and part of hydroxies on the outer ends of the polyalcohol molecules react with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate to form amphiphilicshell structures through acyl chloride reactions. The preparation method comprises the following steps: taking the polyalcohol as a solvent, pyrolyzing ferric and manganese acetylacetonates at a highshell structures through acyl chloride reactions. The preparation method comprises the following steps: taking the polyalcohol as a solvent, pyrolyzing ferric and manganese acetylacetonates at a hightemperature to obtain the MnFe2O4 nanometer grains clad by the polyalcohol molecules through, and then carrying out the acyl chloride reaction between 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate and polyalcohol htemperature to obtain the MnFe2O4 nanometer grains clad by the polyalcohol molecules through, and then carrying out the acyl chloride reaction between 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate and polyalcohol hydroxies on the surfaces of the nanometer grains. The contrast medium has the advantages of small grain size, high crystallinity, high saturation magnetization rate, high relaxation capability, good bydroxies on the surfaces of the nanometer grains. The contrast medium has the advantages of small grain size, high crystallinity, high saturation magnetization rate, high relaxation capability, good biolog